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One Annual Health Checkup That’s Probably Missing from Your Calendar

Some health habits are instilled in us at a young age. For as long as you can remember, for example, you made annual treks in the family minivan to both the pediatrician and the dentist. As you entered adulthood, you probably transitioned to a primary care physician, and maybe even a different dentist better equipped (click for more)

Giving You an Excuse for Buying That New Pair of Shoes…

A shoe is not only a design, but it’s a part of your body language, the way you walk. The way you’re going to move is quite dictated by your shoes – Christian Louboutin So this guy makes heels – expensive heels – but I feel like his outlook is right where it needs to (click for more)

Ready, Set, Refresh! How Greensboro Physical Therapy Can Help You Reach Your 2019 Fitness Goals

When the calendar year comes to a close, we often find ourselves physically and mentally depleted from the holidays and the end-of-the-year rush. It’s no wonder that three of the most common self improvement resolutions uttered as the clock strikes midnight are: eat more healthily, lose weight and commit to a regular exercise program. January (click for more)

5 Places for a Walk/Run in Greensboro, NC

Let’s face it – it’s been dreary recently here in the ‘Boro. A foot of snow, a new record for yearly precipitation and guess what? The New Year starts with several days of rain – go figure! But let’s play a hypothetical. One day -perhaps a weekend- it will not rain, at all. I’m talking (click for more)

Why is the Room Spinning?

Why is the room spinning? Everybody deals with it, so I should too, right? Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV for short) is the most common cause of dizziness in older adults. It is characterized by a sensation of movement, usually spinning or rotation, with specific head or body motions. The most common situation is a (click for more)

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