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Physical Therapists Can Help Prevent New Year’s Fitness Injuries

As the holiday season winds down, and the calendar rolls over into the next year, gyms and health clubs fill up. People set goals to lose weight, get in shape, or just work off the few extra pounds they put on during all the celebrating. While getting more exercise and physical activity is great for (click for more)

Do You Know Your Movement Vital Signs?

Most people think of heart rate or blood pressure when they think of vital signs. It is common to use numbers to quantify health and risk of disease. The American Heart Association encourages people to “know their numbers” referring to blood pressure, blood cholesterol, blood glucose, and weight. However, research is now showing the importance (click for more)

Is that surgery necessary? Is it even effective?

Recent research is showing that surgery might not be needed as often as we think. A large review estimates that 10% to 20% of surgeries might be unnecessary and that in some specialties such as cardiology and orthopedics, that number might be higher. The reasons for so many unneeded surgeries being performed are varied, but the most common are that more conservative options aren’t tried first, or lack of knowledge by the operating physician. (click for more)

Life is a Movement Journey, Here’s How PT Can Help

Now that summer is almost here, temperatures have been hot in the Triad. And that means the transition from heating our homes to cooling our homes has come and gone. No matter what method you use to cool your home during the warm spring and summer months (central air conditioning, window units, or fans and (click for more)

Your back hurts, what’s next?

Chances are, you or someone you know has had back pain. Each year 15% of the population has their first episode of back pain, and over the course of our lives, 80% of us will have back pain. Back pain is almost as common as having a birthday. Even though back pain is common, the (click for more)

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